Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jackson's Blessing

June 1st,2014 Jackson Ray Skinner was blessed by his father Justin.
Peter and Margie came down from Ohio for the special day
Cindy Hughes sewed a white beautiful blessing suit.
 For those not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, when babies are born they are given a name and blessing. A blessing is a special prayer given through the priesthood. It offers counsel, comfort, healing, or specific blessings to the person receiving it. Baby blessings are always special events and I write down what is said so that my kids can use it for some direction in their early life. It is always a sweet and tender experience as a mother to watch my husband bless our children. I feel like I get to have this great spiritual understanding of who these little people are through birth and their first few weeks of life. I sense their strengths.

I begin to understand their potential. I see their challenges. I write about these glimpses of the future in my journal but I don't often vocalize them. It's a little difficult to tell someone that your 2 week old has so much strength and is long suffering. He is calm under pressure. He is not disturbed by the storms in life. That he is valiant and makes the right choices, even when things are difficult. It's not really what people want to know about your baby and it's probably too personal to share anyway. These are not even things I share with my husband. Not because I don't want to but between nursing, diaper changes, rocking, singing, sleeping, playing, working, and attending the big sister, there are few moments to share these thoughts. 

Especially since they are just that, thoughts, impressions. I have no real proof that that is who my son is, I just know him because I am his mother. And that is why I treasure baby blessings. My husband takes our baby in his arms with our closest family and friends, each  with their hands extended working together to support Jackson's tiny body. A symbol that they will be there to support him throughout his life.Through the power of the priesthood, Justin gives him the name Jackson Ray Skinner and then proceeds to pronounce a blessing. Though the inspiration of the spirit, Justin blesses Jackson with the same hopes and qualities I have already seen in him. He blesses him to be valiant, and strong. To respect women and be an example to other men in the church of how to treat and work with them. Letting him know he came here full of faith and that the examples of his forefathers are his legacy to carry on. When I hear these words spoken, it is confirmation to me that Justin and I are getting the same glimpses of who the man who is still so small.

I know we are united in our understanding of how to help him become and do the things that God has for him to be and do. It also let's me know that we are not walking this journey of parenthood by ourselves. 

Jackson was His child before he came to us and we will work together to help little, tiny, baby Jackson reach his full potential. I love these little moments and how they bring us closer as a family. How blessed we are to know each other and travel this crazy, wonderful life together.

Grandpa was under strict orders to not touch the baby until Grandma had had her baby fill.
Grandpa did get some snuggles

So relaxing.