Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Things I Hate About You

This weekend we had a very brief jaunt up to visit Justin's family. We left Friday evening and stayed until Sunday afternoon so we basically got to say hello and then goodbye. Fortunately, it was long enough to go to Justin's cousin Jessi's wedding. It was my first non-church wedding and Justin and I both realized that our wedding experience it limited to say the least. I can only remember going to maybe 5 including my own and the one we just attended. It was beautiful and a fun night. Justin really enjoyed seeing his family and I did too. I feel like they all like me and pretty much my first and only rule for liking people is that they like me so we get along great. Justin's Mom and sister loaded me up with pickles and now and laters, which are the key to my heart. I love them. (You can take this as the food items or family members, both would be accurate). We were sad to leave and have already been searching our calenders to find a longer time frame for Ohioing this summer. Our schedule is slightly restricted due to the fact that we are HRAs. 
This job comes with a lot of responsibility and time commitment but also a lot of benefits. 

The transition from our lives in Lexington to Main Hall has cause me to both love and hate this place. Therefore, I am pretty much forced to make a list of pros and cons to help you fully understand the grand spectrum of our job. 

1. Our shower does not work. 
The plumber is working on it but until they get the boosters they need to allow us to have more water pressure we are stuck walking down the hall to shower in the common bathrooms. This is fine because we do not have any residences right now. I am apparently very lucky since the act of me running to the bathroom causes every housekeeping, maintenance, and security person to suddenly appear in the hallway and strike up a conversation with me. No matter what time of day it is, no matter what I try, it always happens. At least something is being done and hopefully it will be fixed soon! 
2. Giving away my beloved furniture. 
Alas, we have less room and less storage but I de-cluttering and having less is really a positive so I guess I will part we my extras. We also have one of the largest HRA apartments so thank goodness for that!
3. Air freshener.
The other day somebody came and drilled a hole right above our door and permanently installed an air freshener with an overwhelmingly powerful smell. It smells like christmas and flowers had a baby. It doe not smell bad but we have to hold our breath to walk in our doorway. Adventure at its most dangerous I know. 
4. Washing dishes in a bathroom sink. 
Nuff said. 
5. The super bright lights that shine in our window. 
We will be investing in blackout shades. 

While the cons are annoying the benefits greatly aid me in making sure Justin is taken care of. 
1. Justin can walk to class in less than a min. 
This is awesome because it means that he can pretty much walk anywhere he needs to go while I drive our one and only car to my various commitments. 
2. Cafeteria food. 
We only get lunch during the weekdays right now and then just get what we want from the kitchen once a week. We can't wait for all three meals to be offered when EFY gets here. I love this because Justin likes to eat a lot of different things at once. I love cooking but it is hard to make that many different things. This is perfect and I am sure I will be longing for a personal chef when we leave here. 
3. Saving money instead of spending it. 
We have all of our utilities, rent and food taken care of. The next year is all about making the most of that and saving! What a blessing it is to get this kind of head start when you are  a new married couple. 
4. Working with cool people.
All of the other HRAs, Brother Bouchelle, and Scott Doxey are fun people to work with. Work is always better when you like who you are spending time with.
5. Being on campus, not having a full-time job, and not being a student. 
It's pretty much the most awesome thing ever. I get to control my schedule, take care of my family and hang out with my friends. Win, win, win!!! 

Well, the cons I can deal with and many of them will go away with time (the air freshener might go way in the night but I won't know anything about it). Now we get the upcoming efy to look forward to and man am I stoked! I get to see Kayla and all my other favorite people. Let's just hope I don't have to share a shower with any of them:-/

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving and Other Bad Words

We have finally moved all of our belongings out of our former apartment. Unfortunately, our car is filled to the brim with those last stragglers, mixing bowls, lamps, ironing board, and cleaning supplies to name a few. I will tell you one thing, I hate moving. I am ready to be all settled down in our new place but I am also completely overwhelmed at the prospect of starting this terrible task. We should be able to freeze life while we unpack. How great would that be? Moving invokes two thoughts: first, why do I have all this stuff I have absolutely no use for? Second, I can't even live when everything I need is in a box? You will never now how important something is in your life until it is in one of 32 extremely similar vodka boxes. Vodka boxes make the very best kitchen and book packing boxes and since we have about a bazillion books most of SVU thinks we are completely unaware of the honor code. Hopefully I can get this place whipped into shape and post some pictures of our cool new dorm room. Speaking of breaking the honor code, its a strange thing to share a dorm room with your husband.
Justin is pretty busy himself with his intense May term classes. He is taking logic and contemporary issues. Everyday he comes home to tell me he is a logician. After 2 weeks its not really funny anymore. However, I remain his faithful cheerleader and force him to go to class when he thinks he might quit. This conversation happens a lot more often than you would expect in our home. Justin is also stressing because he is taking the LSAT on June 6th.

This is Justin registering for the LSAT

After the LSAT is over with we will begin our official summer break, which I can't wait for! We have no plans really except to sleep and do as little as possible. We are going to go tubing! While I am terrified of lakes, rivers and the ocean I still love tubing down the Maury River just down the road.
Life is full of inconsistency and monotony right now. An interesting combination to live in. I just know I keep having to do things I don't want or did not expect to do, all the while I am doing all the same stuff that I am ready for a break from. Justin is very much feeling the same way but I guess that is just life and that is what makes it wonderful too. Life never stays the same for long and thank goodness because I can't handle that. Being raised in a family that everyday was different, I struggle to fit into this mold of 9-5 scheduled people. I thought college would kill me with schedules but that does not necessarily end when college is over. It is amazing how when you leave home the world suddenly becomes aware of you and slowly begins to dictate your life until you hardly have a say in what you are doing from one minute to the next. Spontaneity begins to feel as illusive as a big foot and it becomes an all out battle for one thing that you actually want to do. That is my project the next few weeks. Justin and I are going to take back our time and do something with it! We are also going to do at least 4 fun things next month. This weekend we get to go to Ohio for to short of a visit and a wedding. That will give us the adventure we need to finish out this month without becoming full fledge zombies. Also, shout out to zombie appreciation month. I guess that's where this feeling comes from. Oh well, at least Justin and I get to be together no matter what happens. We like each other a lot and stuff.