The busiest week for an HRA is right during our anniversary. Our day consisted of waking up super early, eating lunch in the cafeteria with other people, checking in new students, making them go to orientation, dealing with parents, running crazy errands, submitting work orders, and going to hang out at the school carnival so we could be cool HRAs that are involved. Justin had never been to the carnival, lovingly referred to as Knight Games so we did that for our date. He had fun riding a mechanical bull and racing non-pregnant people in a giant inflatable obstacle course. I had fun eating cotton candy, otter-pops and popcorn till I almost exploded. After that we went home and I passed out before 9 p.m. of exhaustion from the week and in preparation for the next day of craziness.
We did find a few minutes to exchange a little gift. Justin got me a beautiful necklace with our oh-so-significant rubies. I love it so much. I got him gummy worms and a homemade card. I obviously did not get the memo about gifts but he ate them so I guess he liked them. I was going to get him an ipad 2 but I don't have a million dollars and we are waiting for the ipad 3 anyway. (And a million dollars) Justin's Mom also sent us a super cool anniversary package with goodies and gifts. We also got a few cards which was unexpected but totally cool that people would remember our anniversary.
So pretty! |
We have had a pretty great year. We learned and changed a lot. We both learned how to quickly resolve any issue we see approaching before it becomes an issue. I think when you see a potential rough spot headed your way and you do everything in your power to send it the opposite direction that is a big gesture of love. We have learned how to deal and help each other with our weaknesses. It is amazing how much verbalizing weaknesses that you have never put into words can help your spouse instantly understand and help you. Justin has gotten his fair share of crazy in this marriage and bless his heart he still likes me. Being together is so much fun and we are both dreading that work and school have picked back up because we see each other only for like 12 hours during the day. I know rough! I don't know how will handle Justin having a full-time job. Oh well, I guess that is why we have eternity:)
Here is video of Justin riding a bull