For those of you who would like to know all the nitty gritty details of the last few months feel free to read on. If you would rather not, pregnancy is so great and stuff. (Feel free to move on)
I found out I was pregnant in April. I was pretty much in denial and thought I was just a little late and since I never keep track of anything like that whose to say I was even late? Apparently I was. Justin and I looked at the positive pregnancy test both feeling a little shell-shocked. Justin recovered much more quickly and was very excited. I, however, was not getting my hopes up until this was confirmed by someone other than a Wal-mart brand test. We called happy parents, excited for grand babies to come. I maintained the mentality that the doctor could still tell us it was a false positive. She, however, did not. Rather, I was welcomed with enthusiasm, given a gift bag full of information and free things, and sent home with a sonogram, having heard the heartbeat of a little stowaway who had been hiding for 8 weeks. Now I could get excited. It really was not my fault that I did not know due to the fact that my pregnancy symptoms have been relatively non-existent. My first trimester I had an intense craving for Now and Laters, Jolly Ranchers, fruit, and vegetables. In that order. Chocolate, not interested. Meat, not really. My most beloved bread, can I just have a cucumber? I was so lucky to not have any sickness. Sometimes I would feel queasy for like 5 minutes in the afternoon but after hearing others horror stories I really should not even mention that. Here is a list of fun pregnancy symptoms with that will hopefully make up for that.
1. Horrible anxiety-every night I go to sleep worrying about something and how I will deal with the situation when the worst happens. Fun fun
2. Amplification of my already constant joint pain. Sleeping is fun.
3.Dry hair and even more brittle nails (Is that even possible?)
4. Being ever more emotional than Justin even thought possible. He is a good man.
5. That 2 weeks that I was more angry than I have ever been in my life and I did not know why. Not understanding the reason why only intensified my anger. Guaranteed to be Justin's favorite 2 weeks of our marriage hands down.
I think she is so pretty already |
Aside from those, it has all been very manageable. Probably because she is going to be a handful. This child is so active. As I type, she is holding a aerobic class in my womb. When we went to hear her heartbeat she was moving so much we could barely catch anything other than static. During our sonogram a couple weeks ago, the sonographer just kept saying "Wow. she is super active", "She is quite the little mover", "I can see why you had such a hard time hearing her heart beat last time, she is so so active". We are going to blame that trait on Justin and just plan on getting a hop-a-roo for her first few hours after she is born. Hey, at least she is healthy right?
Sister Moss told me "We do a lot to get them here" and that is so true. Talk about a lesson in selflessness, who else would I cook my lunch meat for to avoid getting a rare food born illness known as listeria other than my unborn child? It is an adventure but we are so excited to be parents. I hope, this little girl likes glitter, pink, nail polish, mud, baseball, and doing everything we can for Southern Virginia University. I think she might come out ready to lead the spring orientation groups and move some mattresses because that is the life she is being born into. We already love her so much.
oh you lucky lucky lucky girl!!!! I actually weighed less at my 20 wk appt than i did on my wedding day because i had serious aversions to food and anything that i could get down would come right back up!!! But i'm way happy for you guys!!!! she does look so cute already!!!!!!