Thursday, November 3, 2011

So close, but yet so far!

Here we are less than 5 1/2 weeks from baby's due date! It's weird. In some ways I am such an emotional person and in others I am one of the most practical people you will ever meet.

For instance, when Justin and I were dating I was so in love and happy. I also told him that I could leave him at any second if I thought he was no longer good for me. I told him I knew it would be hard but I know that I could love someone else just as easily. So romantic! I am sure he felt warm, fuzzy, and secure in our relationship. He asked me not to leave him. I said we will see.

I feel like I am so not maternal at all. I think other people's babies are ugly all the time. I worry my kid will be ugly too. If I told you your baby is cute know I mean it. If I haven't....well putting a bigger hair bow on her lumpy probably still wont do it for me. I hope she grows out of that how being hideous thing. I like to feel the baby kick but most of the time I think "Why is there an alien inside of me?" or "I wish you would move you feet out of my lung".

I have no concerns about being a mother. I nannied for years, I am the oldest, and I am just general overconfident in my abilities. I know I will be more tired than I have ever been in my life. I know that teaching is a constant job. I know that I have no idea what I am getting into but neither does anyone else when they become a mom so it's okay.

I am excited for this little girl to get here. I love her already so I guess that is maternal enough. I was not really enamored with the whole dating thing, or wedding thing, and to follow suit pregnancy is nothing much to talk about. I just feel guilty when I talk to people about "how I'm doing/feeling". My response is always "Great!". They feel like I am lying and always try and get stuff out of me "Were you sick?" I have to explain that pregnancy is definitely not the hardest or annoying thing I have even had to go through. I was never sick, I just want candy more than normal, my hips hurt sometimes, I sleep just fine, I still wake up on my stomach most days, and overall unless baby is moving I forget I am pregnant. Right now though because we are in the large and in charge phase I can't breath or bend over and pick stuff up. I can't carry heavy things. I just find it so very annoying! Also, I hate waddling. I feel like I should just put on some flippers and start quaking. Then again, nothing to REALLY complain about. Other pregnant people have real things to complain about.

I feel like doing senior paper and body attack training was way worse.

Watch, labor is going to be a beast! Now labor I am emotional about. I am so stinking scared but I also know I can do it. Again, overly confident.
Well, till she get here and I think she is the most beautiful thing that ever came I will continue to be practical.


  1. I love this so much! I feel like this is exactly how I'll be. I have trouble romanticizing pregnancy like I hear so many people do, and people joke that that means I'm "obviously not ready for children," so I'm glad that someone else is out there wondering "Why is there an alien inside of me?" and yet is still capable of being a great mom. I miss you, Lauren!! Feel free to get Justin to come to FL for law school...if that's still in the game plan.
