Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Getting kinda chubby. I'm just saying, cause I love you"

Happy one month to Penelope! 

I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. I keep asking her not to grow up but she is not very obedient. The last month has been a whirlwind of learning, diapers, naps, and messes. Most of all it has been so much fun!

Fresh newborn to sassy one month old

We call her Sweet P and she really is just the sweetest baby.
The first 2 weeks home from the hospital were pretty easy and after that we had to learn how to respond to her more quickly. She eats like a pig and I feel like I spend 28 hours a day nursing. I'm not really sure how my day has 4 more hours than yours but it does. I love nursing her and she loves it too. When I go to tutoring in the morning, Justin feeds her with a bottle but the effect is just not the same. Don't get me wrong, she is not picky enough that she would actually turn down food but she is always so happy to see me when I get back. Speaking of eating, I am currently eating an Andes mint ice cream sandwich and it is off the charts wonderful. Anyway, my favorite thing about nursing is when she growls and then attacks for more food like a lion stalking it's prey. I laugh really hard every time. 

She really likes baths as long as the water is hot. I tried the whole warm thing and that only ended in tears. I also washed off her blonde baby hair one night. She still has her black, real hair in the back. We like to refer to it as: 40 year old man who lives in his mother's basement in the front, PARTY in the back! Basically, I need more headbands and bows.

She has a tutu in every size till she is 2. First time at church!
She is a super chill baby and just likes hanging out. She really only cries if she is tired and that is quickly remedied with a swaddle me. We are so so so grateful for the swaddle mes Justin's Mom got us. She will start to really cry until she hears the velcro then she smiles and gets really calm. I hope that it does not cause her to have a love for straight jackets when she is older, thus causing her to feel most comfortable in a mental institution.

Her favorite place is on our bed, between Justin and I. Morning family cuddle time is a must and it is usually followed by morning family doze. We have discovered that this is the only way for us to both get showers in the morning. She passes out like a log and we quietly take turns cuddling with her while the other gets ready. Haha babies are so easy to trick.
Watching a show with Dad
We took her to the doctor after one week and she already gained back almost all the weight she lost when she was born.  They usually do a 2 week weight check but the doctor said she looked so good there was no need. I was anxious to see how much weight she gained at her one month check-up. Justin had to work and the car was in the shop so my Mom took us.

She weighed 8lbs 1 oz at birth and now weighs 10lbs 1 oz
She was 21 inches at birth and is now 21 3/4 inches
Her head was 13 inches at birth and is now 15 3/8 inches

The doctor said she thought her eyes would stay blue! Her eyes were so dark when she was born and they have just turned the most beautiful shade of blue. The doctor thought that they would stay blue or turn green but she did not see any brown in them. She also got the second part of her hep B vaccine.  My Mom was totally freaking out and almost had to leave the room. Penelope cried, of course, and my Mom just kept saying "Doesn't that just break your heart!?" I hated to see her like that but I didn't cry and I think my Mom thought I was a little heartless for it. She justified it by saying "You are the mom, you have to be strong. I am the grandma, I don't".
Penelope calmed down in less than a minute but I think it took my Mom a lot longer to recover.

Apparently, she likes dressing up as much as her father.
I foresee some unbearable Halloweens in our future
I have decided that I need a nice camera because I am only able to use my iphone and it is just not doing it for me. Although, I usually have it with me so I take a thousand low quality pictures a day. One major problem with my iphone is that my case is black and white stripes. Babies at this age love things that are black and white for developmental reasons. When Penelope does anything adorable and I put it up in front of her face, she immediately gets a blank, focused stare. The same thing happens with my black and white polka dotted wallet. It may ruin my super cute pictures but that wallet has calmed her down during many a meltdown. She loves to talk and will parrot back noises.

Here is our exchange of her favorite sound "Oh"
This week, she has grown up so much. She holds her head up really well. She has to sit in my lap and does not lay back anymore unless she is sleepy or hungry. There is to much to see! This week she is also mastering sucking her fingers when she gets upset in the car. She is becoming very dexterous and finding her way underneath my shirt any chance she gets. She has started sleeping 6-7 during the night. If she goes down around midnight, I get a good night sleep!
One of Justin's favorites. Photo by Leah Sidwell
We are totally smitten with her. She probably gets kissed a 500 times a day and that is not an exaggeration. She smiles after each time, especially when Justin does it. He always wants her right next to him and has to kiss her 15 times before I put her in the bassinet for the night. We are completely in love with this little girl!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking Oh yeah that's the same for us... for pretty much everything you wrote. Like creepily the exact same. Also had a lot of "aw! So cute!" Let me know when you want us to baby-sit
