Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Memorial Day 2012

*July 2012 I found this post ready to go but guess I never published it. Here is something we did a couple years ago.*

May 28th 2012
Everything is more fun with a baby! Okay, maybe not long car rides, church, extensive graduation ceremonies, trying to make dinner at a decent hour, taking a shower, business meetings, camping…So, basically most things are less fun with a baby but holidays are not one of those things. In fact, even a semi-small holiday can be so exciting when seen through new eyes.

This year Memorial Day was a little different for me. While I have had numerous family members serve in the military, those times are now the things of legends.  I was never directly affected by it and I have never been a part of the culture. Days like these are very abstract to me. Thank you, ambiguous, unknown, faceless soldiers, for fighting for my freedom. It’s not that I’m not grateful. It’s just not something I have thought a lot about before. So, why is this year different? My sister Aubrey just married a Marine and that’s weird. Now that soldier has a face, he has a family and I am part of it. Now when he gets deployed, I will worry and pray till he is home. Now when the news talks about Marines, I will listen. Now, I am a part of this strange culture that I still don’t understand. Of course, I am still on the outskirts of it and its only just starting but I was a little more thoughtful and a little more grateful for all those who have served our country. This year was not all about the cookout for me and I hope I can teach Penelope to see what I am beginning to see.

Bathing Beauty
Aubrey is soo tired of the paparazzi 
Chad and Aubrey came back from their honeymoon and were there to celebrate the day with us. It was great to be together as family and friends. We had the traditional cookout and all the fixings, including Mom’s homemade potato salad. We don’t have a pool but we do have a hill, black plastic, and a sprinkler. Yes my friends, a giant slip and slide of epic proportions. We did this last year for the fourth of July and it was a hit. We learned that the more clothes the better, which explains our glamorous attire.

We used a different part of the hill this time with less than spectacular results. You had two choices: Fly off the slip and slide halfway down the hill and shred you legs with grass or make it all the way down and pray you did not die when you hit the fence. I use the word choice loosely, it was kind of like the first time you go bowling. You know the laws of physics are totally dictating the outcome but you are still getting gutter balls.  Chad came to the rescue by padding the fence with his VMI “hay” or mattress and bedding. It saved us more than once, although on the last time down Hannah managed to avoid it and hit the fence dead on. She takes after her mother whose goal is always to “make it” to the fence. AKA: Hitting her shoulder so hard it completely reversed the weeks of chiropractic appointments she had just completed. Awesome Mom.  In our family, it’s just not a successful event if no one goes home wounded. The number of wounds was probably higher due to the fact that Justin’s goal was to tackle everyone down the slide at least 10 times. I believe he exceeded his goal. We all settled down afterward for some TV and a fistful of extra strength Tylenol.

Slip and slides require all participants to be at the peak of physical fitness and wear really tight shirts 

Penelope is not quite ready for daredevil status so we parked her with recovering chemo patient and she got some time in the kiddie pool. We forgot to pick up some little swimmers diapers for her so she had to go commando under her swimsuit. It was fine, except for when Dad was holding her and she peed on him.

 We finished off the day with a fireworks and sparklers. Penelope thought they were pretty cool. I was expecting her to be scared but nope she was full of wonder.

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